How to make a complaint

If you're unhappy with the service you've received, then we want to know. Please contact our Customer Service Team to discuss the issue and come to a resolution. To help us, please let us know what the problem is and how you would best like the issue to be dealt with and we can usually sort the problem there and then. For our Complaints Guide please see here.

If you feel we have still not dealt with the problem, then you there are various ways to make a formal complaint found below:
  • Online via My Account
  • By email to
  • Directly to a member of staff
  • By telephone on 0113 386 1000
  • By letter - write to us at The Tannery,91 Kirkstall Road,Leeds LS3 1HS
  • Through an advocate or interpreter using any of the ways listed above

How we're doing with putting things right

You can find out more about our approach to complaints, putting things right and the learning we're taking from the process to change how we work, in the document links below: