Our social purpose is clear: Leeds Federated is here to help people make a home. In order to achieve this, here at Leeds Federated we work by three main objectives.


To provide good quality homes that people want to live in. To provide good quality services that understand and respond to the needs of our customers and to maintain a healthy business in terms of reputation, finances, expertise and governance. 



To attract, retain and develop a healthy, effective and diverse team of colleagues who engage with the organisation. We will encourage and expand opportunities for customer engagement and influence across the business, so that customers have a meaningful voice in decision making. We will improve our approach to resolving customer complaints and responding to feedback from customers. We will work to ensure that customers are highly satisfied with services delivered by Leeds Federated. We will collaborate with stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes for the business and customers and we will demonstrate value for money to our customers.  



We will take a strategic and sustainable approach to our development programme, prioritising affordability in our approach to development. We will focus on learning and professional growth and will be a learning organisation, maximising opportunities to improve and grow.

Find out more about who we are and what we do:

Leeds Federated

Meet the Teams

Get to know the teams here at Leeds Federated including the Senior Management, Customer Engagement and Local Area teams. Click the button below to learn more

Meet the team