We welcome and receive feedback from customers in many ways to help improve and change the service we provide and how we do it.

The feedback we receive from our customer comes in many ways including:
  • Complaints 
  • Quarterly customer satisfaction surveys 
  • Surveys following a repair or customers moving in or out of properties 
  • Estate inspections and walkabouts 
  • Informal events, for example coffee mornings at sheltered housing schemes 
  • Local meetings 
  • Challenger Panel and scrutiny reviews 

Each quarter we will share with you what you have said and what we are doing about it. 


What actions have we taken?

Please take a look through the points below of how we acted on your feedback to help improve services here at Leeds Federated.

You said: What information is there about avoiding condensation?

A new leaflet has been produced explaining reasons for condensation and how to deal with it and Repairs Advisers will be sending these to customers reporting condensation. We have also added this leaflet to the website. You can see the leaflet here.

You said: Communication was poor when APS our in house contractor was carrying out work in homes.

We did: 

A new Tenant Liaison Officer role has been created to help keep customers informed and updated about the sequence of work and improve communications.

You said: Two customer complaints related to tone of voice when speaking with a customer:

In the first instance, the facts were repeated back to the customer, which they found condescending, and in the second, the staff member laughed to lighten the mood, inadvertently causing anxiety for the customer.
What we did: 
  • Staff members have been made aware of the incidents and have had coaching to prevent these from happening again. These incidents have highlighted the importance of checking for any mental health conditions to be aware of when speaking with customers, to ensure that we are sensitive to their needs and situation.