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We welcome and receive feedback from customers in many ways to help improve and change the service we provide and how we do it.

The feedback we receive from our customer comes in many ways including:
  • Complaints 
  • Quarterly customer satisfaction surveys 
  • Surveys following a repair or customers moving in or out of properties 
  • Estate inspections and walkabouts 
  • Informal events, for example coffee mornings at sheltered housing schemes 
  • Local meetings 
  • Challenger Panel and scrutiny reviews 

What actions have we taken?

Please take a look through the points below showing how we've acted on your recent feedback to help improve services here at Leeds Federated.

You said: The Customer Voice Panel members advised they felt it was difficult to find information about how to make a complaint on the website.

We did: We've updated our Complaints Guide leaflet and provided clearer information - see our Complaints page. As we develop a new website, we will make sure this information is easier to find.

You said: It was distressing to receive a notice of seeking possession without warning and out of the blue.

We did: We will make two attempts to contact a customer by phone or by visiting them at home before serving notice of seeking possession.