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Value for Money

We place a great emphasis on Value for Money and all our team are involved in finding ways to work smarter.

Providing services that offer Value for Money (VfM) is a key priority for Leeds Federated. It is something that we have embedded into the culture of the organisation. VfM is driven by the board and all colleagues are involved in finding ways to make savings and efficiencies by working smarter and delivering the same level of service for less.
Our approach involves:
  • Monitoring and scrutinising performance against business plan objectives and monitoring financial performance (e.g. through quarterly management accounts)
  • Effective procurement through relevant tender mechanisms leading to appropriate  legal contracts and proactive contract management
  • Benchmarking of key performance indicators
  • Detailed reporting on the return on assets to show investments and outcomes for money spent on new housing development and services
  • Involving customers in service scrutiny and consultation through the Customer Voices Panel
  • Focusing colleagues on money-saving ideas through the VfM group and VfM awards
We want to ensure our customers receive services which offer VfM and we have a robust approach to reporting, monitoring and scrutinising VfM across the business to help us achieve this.

Downloadable Documents

Value For Money Statement 2023-24


Value For Money Statement 2022-23


Value For Money Statement 2021-22


Value For Money Statement 2020-21


Value For Money Statement 2019-2020


Value For Money Statement 2018-19


Value For Money Statement 2017-18
